Tag: Bruteforce

MDCrack how to crack hashes (MD4/MD5/NTLM1)

MDCrack is a powerful and fast hash cracker. It can brute force MD5, MD4 and NTLM1 hashes. MDCrack is mainly a CMD tool but there is a GUI available. It is available for Windows and for Linux. Usage MDCrack is easy to use but first we will need a hash to test, you can generate one using your Linux terminal or one of the many websites available. To generate an md5 hash in Linux you can use the following command I have already used this command to generate the hash to the word ‘pass’ To crack an md5 hash run…

Cracking archives with rarcrack

Rarcrack is a handy tool used for cracking encrypted archives. It can be very useful if you forget the password to an encrypted archive. It supports zip, 7z and rar. But on the downside it is slow, the cracking speed depends mainly on your CPU. Usage The options :       –help displays the help file       –type [rar/zip/7z] set the archive type       –threads [2-12] set the number of threads default 2 max 12 If you are not running the command as root, you need to add sudo. Example For this example i created an encrypted 7z…