Tag: Terminal

MDCrack how to crack hashes (MD4/MD5/NTLM1)

MDCrack is a powerful and fast hash cracker. It can brute force MD5, MD4 and NTLM1 hashes. MDCrack is mainly a CMD tool but there is a GUI available. It is available for Windows and for Linux. Usage MDCrack is easy to use but first we will need a hash to test, you can generate one using your Linux terminal or one of the many websites available. To generate an md5 hash in Linux you can use the following command I have already used this command to generate the hash to the word ‘pass’ To crack an md5 hash run…

Shredding a file in Linux with shred

When deleting a file by simply pressing the delete button the file can be easily recovered, you don’t always want that. That’s where shred comes in, What shred does is to wipe the file and make it unrecoverable. This can be very useful if you want to delete a file with sensitive data. Usage Basic options :        -f    force permissions        -u   remove after        -v   verbose        -z   write zeros at the end        -n [number]   times of shreddingIf you are not running the…